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Food Trucks, Immobilized

Ampersand | August 28, 2014

Ryan Morgan spends about 90 percent of his time in the back of a truck that serves up some of Athens most coveted delicacies. These days, however, grabbing a bite to eat from a food truck like Streets Cafe is pretty hard to come by in the Classic City.

Higher education for all

Georgia Magazine | June 1, 2014

When Lawrence Harris began advising college-bound high schol students, he had no idea his work would eventually caputre the attention of President Barack Obama.

Growing Sustainability

Ampersand | March 5, 2014

When it comes to small-scale farming, most people don’t picture yuppies from Atlanta in overalls pulling carrots on a farm in central Georgia. But that’s exactly the kind of movement that a grass-roots organization from North Carolina is starting.

A road less traveled

Georgia Magazine | September 1, 2014

As a son of South Georgia sharecroppers, nothing has ever come easy for Robert Jones (MS '75). But that didn't stop him from making his way from the cotton and peanut fields of the Peach State to becoming the president of a major research university.

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